Sunday, September 20, 2009


honestly. lets start with cigarette smokers who REFUSE, not cant afford, i repeat REFUSE to buy their own pack of tobacco on a regular basis, yet cant stop smoking yours or mine.
whats your deal? you think your "shooting the shit" with me entitles you to my tobacco? you think that "i'll get you back" line is going to work forever, without ever getting me back? c'mon now. you dont believe that yourself. step it the fuck up. one way or the other. either step up and plot and scheme like the rest of us who require a daily amount of tobacco, or step the fuck up and quit smoking. at least hookers put in effort to feed their so-called needs.

which brings me to a good point. hookers. stop approaching me like i dont know your a hooker. thats like asking for a newport when i know you wont ever buy a pack. fuck that. getoutofmyfacebookwiththatbullshitrightthere. plus you delinquents who shouldnt have ever came around, in the street or on the web, acting like some little shit is the end of the world. i wont give you cigarettes either. STAY IN SCHOOL and getoutmyfacebook. ALCOHOLICS! you are almost the worst. doing anything to get another half pint of some poison. meanwhile, trying to live this double life just like a base head or something. unacceptable the way i see it. out here buying drinks for minors so you can drink your miserable life away simultaneously. if you made oil-money, you could drink yourself to death in the lonliest comfort of your own home. BUT YOU DONT. so you try to bring everyone down with you. fuck you.

and now for the inspiration of this post...... BUMS AND PANHANDLING BASEHEADS!
or alcoholic bums panhandling. or hookers bumming off of panhandlers. or delinquents panhandling like bums. or alcoholics around the panhandling bums, asking delinquents for cigarettes and smoking rocks around the world like a superstarfiend. GETthafuckupOUTMYfuckingFACEbook. you disgust me. we all know you exist. different shapes and colors, genders and ages. we all see you. we know you didnt buy shit the last few times you came around our place of employment, so we know your not really trying to buy shit this time. your granduer stories of adversity/difficulty.... desperately in need of something that i have (for the second time in as short of time as one hour) you broke MUFUCKER! i dont got it. you cant have it. you wont see it. and i mean i dont got it for you, you cant have it from me, and you wont see it when you spam me with your sad ass story. get the fuck back to the shelter and try again. maybe next time, if you sincerely need something, you will recieve it. but that 'im already high but not high enough' shit has got to go. GETOUTMYFACEBOOK! you broke bitch.......

Thursday, September 17, 2009


peace. except to those all in my face.... in your case... pause. anyway. sick of mufuckas testing you, trying you, and underestimating you? all at the same time? me too. thats why i decided to tell em' GETOUTMYFACEBOOK!!! i wanted to have it be but it was too long of an address, and besides, i figured getoutmyface was universal, meaning bitches are included in getoutmyface. but to understand who else can stop staring, follow this blog as it develops into notoriety...... unveiling several super secret circumstances of human beings i personally interact with getting cussed out lyrically, and/or literally.... if you wish to avoid being destroyed verbally, or mentally abused....... GETOUTMYFACE!